The World Shorebirds Day and the Global Shorebird Counts might be over for 2019 but the reporting is still underway. If you have been following the update page, you could see the incredible flow of shared checklists. The number is ever-growing since the 3rd of September when the counts kicked off in the far east.
Wilson’s Plover family. Photo by Jean Hall. All rights reserved by the photographer.
We are not far away from hitting the 2018 records of the most submitted checklists but we are way behind with the number of species observed. It is mainly due to the lack of checklists shared from the African continent, Australia and New Zealand. Those countries could have delivered some more shorebird species like Variable Oystercatcher, South Island Oystercatcher, Red-kneed Dotterel or Double-banded Courser, just to name a few.
Locations of the Global Shorebird Counts in 2019 (red dots) compared to the submitted locations between 2014 and 2018 (grey dots).
There is still plenty of time submitting checklists and sharing them with the worldshorebirdsday eBird account. The deadline is 30 September 2019. Anyone can be a part of the Global Shorebird Counts even if did not sign up before the counts, but you did birding between 3–9 September. Just show your support with sharing your relevant checklists (containing counted shorebirds species)
If you post-supporting the Global Shorebird Counts and plan to take part again next year, please sign up for the counts for effective communication. Please find the registration page here:
Share this page with those you know been birding during the Global Shorebird Counts, but did not participate.