It's been a very inspirational few months since the record-breaking 2020 Global Shorebird Counts ended in September. The continuous development is in our DNA, so today, we launch the Eurasian Shorebird Survey (ESS) for those who want to take shorebird conservation more seriously.
The Eurasian Shorebird Survey aims to add essential input to the population monitoring of shorebirds in the Eurasian region. The Global Shorebird Counts has provided a great base to launch something more sophisticated while keeping the monitoring methods and data recording as simple as before. eBird makes it incredibly simple and easy to contribute to this citizen-science program.
The ESS will be launched in the middle of January 2021 and will provide regular counts throughout the year and beyond. The registration for this program is already live. The process of getting familiar with this non-academic scheme is expected to be slow, but an extensive campaign might make a difference.
Please read more about the ESS and follow the further developments on that page. We aim to add detailed information about counting methods and other useful information.
Please find the page here: