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Recruit a new contributor to the Global Shorebird Counts

Writer's picture: Gyorgy Szimuly (Szimi)Gyorgy Szimuly (Szimi)

American Oystercatcher

American Oystercatcher, Sandy Hook, New Jersey. All right reserved by the photographer

It’s been a pleasure to see new contributors coming to support the Global Shorebird Counts and stand by the mission of World Shorebirds Day. As it was explained earlier, World Shorebirds Day doesn!t want to run just another shorebird monitoring program. The intention is with the Global Shorebird Counts is to group birders, researchers and conservationists in the best possible and effective way to stand by the mission of World Shorebirds Day. The mission what is for shorebirds.

It seems people start to adopt this program and I have personally been thrilled by the positive feedback of veteran counters and how they encourage new birdwatchers and eBirders to join this program.

So what we need to do to reach more birders?

  1. Share the page of the Global Shorebird Counts what describes the things to do. Keep it in mind that the new website is coming soon.

  2. Use the power of social media and especially the local eBird communities. I found it effective to direct message eBirders and they are more than happy to help.

  3. To keep new counters active for the following years, invite them to sign up for the counts and let us communicate them directly through our newsletter. We all know it is means 3-5 email newsletter a year only, typically peaking around the World Shorebirds Day.

Let’s hit the records and cover more sites than ever.

Finally, let me express my appreciation and gratitude for all your efforts and support. It means a lot to me and the conservation community.

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