One of the goals of the Eurasian Shorebird Survey is to cover the most important shorebird sites across the geographic region in scope. The network of Important Bird Areas organised by BirdLife International contains all the important sites in the world. Most of the data behind each site are 20-30 years old.
As a case study, I created this map above which displays all the important shorebird sites in Turkey based on the information from the BirdLife's Data Zone website. These sites have not been registered yet for ESS but as the registration progresses, the map will be updated.
Turkey is a very important stronghold for several breeding shorebird species. Some of the sites listed on the map are significant purely for their breeding shorebird populations.
We are in the process of recruiting surveyors for Turkey and it looks promising. Hopefully more of the yellow markers will turn red in the near future and we can welcome other participants from different countries as well.
Get involved and register your locations today.