Feeding Eurasian Oystercatcher from Dune, Heligoland, Germany. © Gyorgy Szimuly
The map of registered sites has been updated and it is now easy to see where counts are planned for this September. Those locations which were registered through the loyalty program form are marked with a purple (binoculars sign) and others are marked with orange.
The loyalty program is an endeavour to deepen the love of shorebirds and to spread the word about the need for monitoring and research in general. This single annual event is not about scientific, although these datasets are an important part of the bigger picture.
I encourage every single birdwatcher to be a part of this initiative, and to be a returning and loyal supporter of World Shorebirds Day and the popular Global Shorebird Counting Program year after year. If you want to join our loyalty program but have already registered using the annual regsitration form, you may register your site(s) via the form bellow as well!