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Follow the counting progress

Writer's picture: Gyorgy Szimuly (Szimi)Gyorgy Szimuly (Szimi)

This map will show the counting progress. Counts will not be added automatically but will almost be real time. Grey dots mark the locations with actual counts from between 2014 and 2016. Coral coloured dots are from this year. It will be interesting to see the distribution of locations.

Number of shorebird species seen up to date: 144


With the observation of a Barred Buttonquail in Thailand, a never reported shorebird species became the new Global Shorebird Counting species. © Alder Chang (Photo was legally embedded from Alder Chang’s Flickr stream with direct link to his portfolio. Check out his work.)

List of shorebird species seen during Global Shorebird Counting 2017 (updated at least daily)

  1. Common Buttonquail

  2. Red-backed Buttonquail

  3. Hottentot Buttonquail

  4. Black-rumped Buttonquail

  5. Yellow-legged Buttonquail

  6. Spotted Buttonquail

  7. Barred Buttonquail

  8. Madagascan Buttonquail

  9. Black-breasted Buttonquail

  10. Chestnut-backed Buttonquail

  11. Buff-breasted Buttonquail

  12. Painted Buttonquail

  13. Worcester’s Buttonquail

  14. Sumba Buttonquail

  15. Red-chested Buttonquail

  16. Little Buttonquail

  17. Quail-plover

  18. Eurasian Stone-curlew

  19. Indian Stone-curlew

  20. Senegal Thick-knee

  21. Water Thick-knee

  22. Spotted Thick-knee

  23. Double-striped Thick-knee

  24. Peruvian Thick-knee

  25. Bush Stone-curlew

  26. Great Stone-curlew

  27. Beach Stone-curlew

  28. Snowy Sheathbill

  29. Black-faced Sheathbill

  30. Magellanic Plover

  31. Magellanic Oystercatcher

  32. Blackish Oystercatcher

  33. Black Oystercatcher

  34. American Oystercatcher

  35. African Oystercatcher

  36. Eurasian Oystercatcher

  37. South Island Oystercatcher

  38. Pied Oystercatcher

  39. Variable Oystercatcher

  40. Chatham Oystercatcher

  41. Sooty Oystercatcher

  42. Crab-plover

  43. Ibisbill

  44. Black-winged Stilt

  45. White-headed Stilt

  46. Black-necked Stilt

  47. White-backed Stilt

  48. Black Stilt

  49. Banded Stilt

  50. Pied Avocet

  51. American Avocet

  52. Red-necked Avocet

  53. Andean Avocet

  54. Northern Lapwing

  55. Long-toed Lapwing

  56. Blacksmith Lapwing

  57. Spur-winged Lapwing

  58. River Lapwing

  59. Black-headed Lapwing

  60. Yellow-wattled Lapwing

  61. White-crowned Lapwing

  62. Senegal Lapwing

  63. Black-winged Lapwing

  64. Crowned Lapwing

  65. African Wattled Lapwing

  66. Spot-breasted Lapwing

  67. Brown-chested Lapwing

  68. Grey-headed Lapwing

  69. Red-wattled Lapwing

  70. Banded Lapwing

  71. Masked Lapwing

  72. Sociable Lapwing

  73. White-tailed Lapwing

  74. Southern Lapwing

  75. Andean Lapwing

  76. Red-kneed Dotterel

  77. Inland Dotterel

  78. Wrybill

  79. European Golden Plover

  80. Pacific Golden Plover

  81. American Golden Plover

  82. Grey Plover

  83. New Zealand Plover

  84. Common Ringed Plover

  85. Semipalmated Plover

  86. Long-billed Plover

  87. Little Ringed Plover

  88. Wilson’s Plover

  89. Killdeer

  90. Piping Plover

  91. Madagascan Plover

  92. Kittlitz’s Plover

  93. St. Helena Plover

  94. Three-banded Plover

  95. Forbes’s Plover

  96. White-fronted Plover

  97. Kentish Plover

  98. Snowy Plover

  99. Javan Plover

  100. Red-capped Plover

  101. Malaysian Plover

  102. Chestnut-banded Plover

  103. Collared Plover

  104. Puna Plover

  105. Two-banded Plover

  106. Double-banded Plover

  107. Lesser Sand Plover

  108. Greater Sand Plover

  109. Caspian Plover

  110. Oriental Plover

  111. Eurasian Dotterel

  112. Rufous-chested Plover

  113. Mountain Plover

  114. Hooded Dotterel

  115. Shore Dotterel

  116. Black-fronted Dotterel

  117. Tawny-throated Dotterel

  118. Diademed Sandpiper-Plover

  119. Pied Plover

  120. Egyptian Plover

  121. Greater Painted-snipe

  122. Australian Painted-snipe

  123. South American Painted-snipe

  124. Lesser Jacana

  125. African Jacana

  126. Madagascan Jacana

  127. Comb-crested Jacana

  128. Pheasant-tailed Jacana

  129. Bronze-winged Jacana

  130. Northern Jacana

  131. Wattled Jacana

  132. Plains-wanderer

  133. Rufous-bellied Seedsnipe

  134. White-bellied Seedsnipe

  135. Grey-breasted Seedsnipe

  136. Least Seedsnipe

  137. Eurasian Woodcock

  138. Amami Woodcock

  139. Javan Woodcock

  140. New Guinea Woodcock

  141. Bukidnon Woodcock

  142. Sulawesi Woodcock

  143. Moluccan Woodcock

  144. American Woodcock

  145. Chatham Snipe

  146. Snares Snipe

  147. Subantarctic Snipe

  148. Jack Snipe

  149. Solitary Snipe

  150. Latham’s Snipe

  151. Wood Snipe

  152. Pin-tailed Snipe

  153. Swinhoe’s Snipe

  154. African Snipe

  155. Madagascan Snipe

  156. Great Snipe

  157. Common Snipe

  158. Wilson’s Snipe

  159. South American Snipe

  160. Puna Snipe

  161. Noble Snipe

  162. Giant Snipe

  163. Fuegian Snipe

  164. Jameson’s Snipe

  165. Imperial Snipe

  166. Short-billed Dowitcher

  167. Long-billed Dowitcher

  168. Asian Dowitcher

  169. Black-tailed Godwit

  170. Hudsonian Godwit

  171. Bar-tailed Godwit

  172. Marbled Godwit

  173. Little Curlew

  174. Whimbrel

  175. Bristle-thighed Curlew

  176. Slender-billed Curlew

  177. Eurasian Curlew

  178. Far Eastern Curlew

  179. Long-billed Curlew

  180. Upland Sandpiper

  181. Spotted Redshank

  182. Common Redshank

  183. Marsh Sandpiper

  184. Common Greenshank

  185. Nordmann’s Greenshank

  186. Greater Yellowlegs

  187. Lesser Yellowlegs

  188. Green Sandpiper

  189. Solitary Sandpiper

  190. Wood Sandpiper

  191. Grey-tailed Tattler

  192. Wandering Tattler

  193. Willet

  194. Terek Sandpiper

  195. Common Sandpiper

  196. Spotted Sandpiper

  197. Tuamotu Sandpiper

  198. Ruddy Turnstone

  199. Black Turnstone

  200. Surfbird

  201. Great Knot

  202. Red Knot

  203. Sanderling

  204. Semipalmated Sandpiper

  205. Western Sandpiper

  206. Red-necked Stint

  207. Little Stint

  208. Temminck’s Stint

  209. Long-toed Stint

  210. Least Sandpiper

  211. White-rumped Sandpiper

  212. Baird’s Sandpiper

  213. Pectoral Sandpiper

  214. Sharp-tailed Sandpiper

  215. Curlew Sandpiper

  216. Purple Sandpiper

  217. Rock Sandpiper

  218. Dunlin

  219. Stilt Sandpiper

  220. Spoon-billed Sandpiper

  221. Broad-billed Sandpiper

  222. Buff-breasted Sandpiper

  223. Ruff

  224. Wilson’s Phalarope

  225. Red-necked Phalarope

  226. Red Phalarope

  227. Cream-colored Courser

  228. Somali Courser

  229. Burchell’s Courser

  230. Temminck’s Courser

  231. Indian Courser

  232. Double-banded Courser

  233. Three-banded Courser

  234. Bronze-winged Courser

  235. Jerdon’s Courser

  236. Australian Pratincole

  237. Collared Pratincole

  238. Oriental Pratincole

  239. Black-winged Pratincole

  240. Madagascan Pratincole

  241. Rock Pratincole

  242. Grey Pratincole

  243. Small Pratincole

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